Monday, October 24, 2011

My New Blogger Home

As you can see our blog has moved and it has also changed from being a forthcoming book/personal(ish) blog to an official book blog. This is great news for people looking for anything spirituality and birth related. But it felt a little sad to me to be losing that personal part of having my own blog. So I started a new one! It's not birth specific, but I will of course post about birth and parenting and who knows what else. It's called the Progressive Prophetess and if you feel like following or reading me there, please do. Here is a link to my About page which  explains why I chose to call it what I did.


  1. I hope you will keep this one up and available. There are SO many posts here that I hope we may continue to reference!

  2. Of course we will. We will also be reposting some of this to our new blog. Every week we will have either a guest post or an archived post as well as a birth story and a new post. So if you'd like to write a guest post, let me know.




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